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  • Secteur gaz vulcain engineering

    & elevating



In a world where electricity demand keeps growing, carbon neutrality has become one of the key challenges in the energy transition from fossil fuel power production.


Our business strategy is focused on strengthening our skills in the nuclear sector, not only by taking part in major ongoing and upcoming projects (HPC, reconstruction of the French nuclear fleet, dismantling, reactor programs and fuel management) but also through actively participating in studies and activities  to strengthen the future of the nuclear industry.

Currently, our teams work alongside nuclear power operators (EDF, ELECTRABEL, TVO, CGN, NNB); in the European supply chain (Engie, Framatome, Westinghouse, GE, Esta, Mangiarotti, Siemens, Rolls Royce, etc.); and, also with operators managing waste, fuel cycle, and  other sector liabilities (Orano or Magnox).


After safety and security, constructability of projects is at the heart of our processes.

We deliberately chose to balance our workforce and projects between different project phases (engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning and maintenance). This allows us to :

  • Adapt to the needs of the major ongoing projects
  • Maintain an awareness to the matters of constructability and delivery within our teams.
  • Build a long-term relationship with our employees by offering them opportunities to develop their skills – this in turn benefits the group by creating skills sustainability.


Vulcain has  integrated nuclear safety culture into our management system, our processes, our tools and our training. This safety culture is managed by a dedicated team, lead by senior engineers, many who have formerly worked for nuclear operators.

Performance management is at the heart of our delivery strategy. We have in-house expertise which enables us to create and develop practical tools and indicators that will give a correct and balanced measure a project’s performance.

Safety and Security

Safety and security are absolute priorities for our nuclear activities.

Vulcain Engineering Group’s new nuclear safety policy  shows our commitment to strengthening and maintaining a high level of nuclear safety culture for all our employees working in the nuclear sector.

Our robust assessment process identifies, anticipates and controls the risks associated with our activities. We are committed to ensuring that all those involved, from management to employees, are both guarantors and participants in this process.


We are involved in three “European Pressurized Reactor” projects (EPR) in France, Finland and the United Kingdom.

This 3rd generation reactor technology has been developed to be:

  • Safer
  • More competitive
  • More environment-friendly

In addition to our expertise in Nuclear New Build, Vulcain’s skills can assist our customers in the following:

  • Optimisation of the safety and security of power plants
  • Life extension of nuclear power plants (Vulcain has experience in France and Belgium)
  • Maintenance and decommissioning of existing nuclear power plants

The fuel cycle is a key factor in the search for a more efficient and sustainable nuclear industry.

It corresponds to the different upstream stages of uranium extraction, enrichment, fuel fabrication, and the downstream stages of reprocessing, disposal, and management of radioactive waste.

Vulcain has engineering expertise in all stages of the nuclear cycle and we are involved in uranium enrichment and spent fuel reprocessing projects, partnering with key players in the sector.

Our projects

Energy - Nuclear Power

In the South of France, 35 countries are involved in the construction of the largest tokamak ever designed, a machine that will demonstrate that fusion – the…

Energy - Nuclear Power

The Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) project is an important output from the Post-Fukushima stress test of the French nuclear fleet. It forms part of the…

Energy - Nuclear Power

EDF Energy subsidiary NNB (HPC) GenCo is building two European Pressurized Reactors (EPR) at Hinkley Point C site. The power station will generate 3.2…

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Significant reductions in environmental impact in support of the transition from conventional to renewable energies.

Exceeding 600 billion Gm3 in 2035 according to the Agency for European gas production (currently at 100 Gm3) will increase considerably. France, and Europe more generally, are preparing for this by developing and upgrading gas transport and storage infrastructures.


Supporting the major European players to innovate and secure all of these infrastructures in order to guarantee optimal transport and supply to meet growing demand.


Rethinking together the pre-established know-how by putting it at the service of new energies and innovative gases: biomethane, green hydrogen, Green Natural Gas (GNV) or its renewable version bioGNV, to develop “clean” mobility.

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Billions of Gm3 in 2035
years of LNG expansion

Dans la perspective de la transition énergétique, le GNL (Gaz Naturel Liquéfié) va, plus que jamais, demander des développements et des innovations technologiques soutenus pour assurer une valorisation optimale de la production, de l’acheminement et de la regazéification.

  • A travers tous types d’installations de liquéfaction (à terre, near shore et flottante), Vulcain apporte son savoir-faire pour optimiser les procédés cryogénique et les infrastructures associées à la phase de production.
  • Nous prenons ainsi part aux performances des procédés de traitements mais aussi aux développements de nouvelles conceptions (exemple du modulaire) pour améliorer l’efficacité pendant les phases de construction.

Le marché du transport de gaz est devenu significatif et va s’intensifier dans les prochaines décennies.

Avec les récents engagements pris pour diminuer l’impact environnemental lié à la chaine de production d’énergie, Vulcain prend part au développement et renouvellement des techniques pour transporter, sécuriser l’approvisionnement et stocker Gaz et GNL.

  • A travers l’optimisation des réseaux de gazoducs et l’efficacité énergétique, Vulcain accompagne les principaux acteurs sur les projets de déploiements de gaz renouvelables dans les réseaux existants et à venir.
  • Les solutions récentes liées au transport du GNL sont sources d’améliorations continues et d’innovations. Les pertes liées à l’évaporation pendant le transport sont des enjeux techniques importants. Vulcain participe aux conceptions toujours plus performantes de solutions de confinement de GNL, à travers les membranes des cuves de méthaniers ou de techniques de stockage en réservoirs terrestres.
  • Le soufre, lié au transport maritime, est un des enjeux importants de réductions des émissions de GES. Des solutions de propulsion GNL sont avancées et à travers la technologie portée par un partenaire, Vulcain veut contribuer à limiter l’impact environnemental du transport maritime.

L’industrie du raffinage est marquée par des évolutions profondes liées à la production de carburants bas carbone et aux besoins de mobilité.

  • De nombreux investissements sont portés sur les sites européens, Vulcain participe activement aux enjeux de transformations et modernisations des installations afin d’augmenter leur performance, diminuer l’empreinte environnementale (bio-carburants et carburants faiblement soufrés), tout en réduisant les coûts de raffinage. Des projets de complexes industriels plus « vert » se développent, notamment en associant aux raffineries des centrales hydrogène ou centrales photovoltaïques pour l’approvisionnement en électricité.
  • La croissance est continue et devrait s’intensifier en produits pétrochimiques intermédiaires (aromatiques, oléfines) servant aux produits chimiques et à destination des secteurs de la pharmacie, agriculture, plasturgie,…Pour rester compétitif et face à l’augmentation des capacités de productions aux USA et en Asie, les enjeux sont tournés vers les produits à hautes valeurs ajoutées et à des installations intégrées entre raffineries et complexes chimiques. Vulcain participe au développement de ces installations intégrées mais aussi aux différents projets de modernisation des installations pour limiter les émissions de GES.

Our projects

Energy - Gas

MéthyCentre is a demonstrator project dedicated to energy transition. Its objective is to test an innovative process to use electricity to produce ‘green’…

secteur gaz
Energy - Gas
Downstream – Phoenix

A €200 million investment to transform Total’s La Mède refinery and create France’s first biorefinery, one of the largest in Europe, to meet the growing…

Energy - Gas
Midstream – GTT

The result of the merger of Technigaz and Gaztransport, GTT is the world leader in the manufacture of cryogenic membrane containment systems for the offshore…

Energy - Gas
Upstream – Arctic LNG 2

The ARTIC LNG 2 Project is a giant liquefied gas project producing nearly 20 million tonnes of LNG per year in the Russian Arctic, succeeding the Yamal LNG…

Energy - Nuclear Power

EDF Energy subsidiary NNB (HPC) GenCo is building two European Pressurized Reactors (EPR) at Hinkley Point C site. The power station will generate 3.2…

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